Saturday, August 16, 2008

Drinks I Love: Is it Pimm's O'Clock?

During the past two years at the Highland Games, one of the highlights of the Sarasota British Club's tent was my version of Pimm's Cup. Not including our board, we caught a few attendees coming back for more!!! One lady in particular came back so many times that I ended up giving her just ginger ale with bits of cucumber and mint.

Pimm's No.1 is a Gin based beverage that is the color of tea and has a citrus/spice flavor. It is a popular summer drink in England, famously served at Wimbledon and the Henley Regatta, giving it the reputation of being an upper class drink. Fortunately, you don't have to be in England or even a member of the upper class to enjoy Pimm's. In the US, Pimm's No. 1 can be found at most larger liquor stores. (In the SRQ area, I've found it at Norman's, ABC, the Bottle Shop on St. Armand's, and Coastal Liquors)

Sprite or 7-up is traditionally used in the UK, however, I think it is much nicer with Ginger Ale. It is absolutely divine with Jamaican Ginger Beer. I made it for an event tonight featuring local celebrity, Cliff Roles, and had many compliments.

Here is my version of the summer time classic:
  • Mix together in large pitcher 1 part Pimm's No. 1 with 3 parts Ginger Ale.
  • Add to each glass 1 slice of orange, 2 slices of strawberry, 1 slice of halved cucumber and 1 sprig of mint.
  • Add a little ice to each glass and top up with Pimms mixture.
  • Enjoy, but be careful – it can catch up with you!

Here are the links to the official websites of Pimm's and Cliff Roles:

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